Episode #34 Cody Schneider

Success for a podcaster: Impactful, engaging, informative, entertaining.

Success for a podcaster is multifaceted and can be defined in various ways. However, at its core, success for a podcaster is about creating content that is impactful, engaging, informative, and entertaining.

First and foremost, success for a podcaster is about making an impact on their audience. This can be measured by the number of listeners, the engagement levels, and the feedback received from the audience. A successful podcaster can connect with their listeners on a deeper level, inspire them, educate them, or entertain them in a way that leaves a lasting impression.

Secondly, success for a podcaster is about creating engaging content. This means keeping the audience interested and invested in the podcast episode from start to finish. Engaging content can be achieved through storytelling, interviews, discussions, and other creative formats that captivate the audience’s attention and keep them returning for more.

Thirdly, success for a podcaster is about providing valuable information to the audience. Whether it’s sharing industry insights, expert advice, personal experiences, or research findings, a successful podcaster can deliver content that is informative and enriching for the listeners. This can help the audience learn something new, gain a new perspective, or solve a problem they may be facing.

Lastly, success for a podcaster is about entertaining the audience. Podcasting is a form of entertainment, and successful podcasters can keep their listeners entertained throughout the episode. This can be achieved through humor, storytelling, engaging discussions, or any other creative means that resonate with the audience and keep them returning for more.

In conclusion, success for a podcaster is about creating content that is impactful, engaging, informative, and entertaining. By focusing on these key elements, podcasters can build a loyal audience, make a positive impact, and succeed in the ever-evolving world of podcasting.

Listen to Episode #34 Cody Schneider

Podcasts can build businesses.

Podcasts have become a popular medium for individuals and businesses to share their knowledge, expertise, and stories with a wide audience. While many people start podcasts as a hobby or passion project, there is also a significant opportunity to build a successful business through podcasting. This transcript of a podcast discussion highlights some key strategies and examples of how podcasts can be used to build and grow a business.

One common approach to building a business through podcasting is to focus on growing a large audience that can be monetized through advertising. Podcasters can generate revenue from advertisements and sponsorships by increasing download volumes and attracting high CPM rates. Business podcasts, in particular, are known for their high CPM rates, making them an attractive option for individuals looking to monetize their podcasting efforts.

Another approach to building a business through podcasting is to use the podcast as a marketing and sales tool for a separate business or service. By creating a podcast that showcases industry expertise, knowledge, and insights, podcasters can attract potential clients and customers to their business. For example, a digital web design agency in Atlanta, Georgia, could use a podcast to interview local business owners and establish relationships that could lead to new clients and business opportunities.

The transcript also provides examples of how podcasts have been successfully used to build businesses in the healthcare and biotech industries. By interviewing industry experts and founders, these podcasts were able to provide valuable insights and information to their audiences while also promoting their own services and products. This approach demonstrates the power of using a podcast as a platform to showcase expertise, build credibility, and attract potential customers.

Overall, the key to building a successful business through podcasting is to create high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your target audience. By focusing on providing value, building relationships, and showcasing expertise, podcasters can attract a loyal audience and create opportunities for monetization and business growth. With the right strategy and approach, podcasts have the potential to be a valuable tool for building and growing a successful business in today’s digital landscape.

Podcasting success requires a niche focus.

One of the key factors in achieving success in podcasting is niche focus. In the podcast transcript provided, the speaker discusses the importance of understanding your audience and catering to their needs and interests. By honing in on a specific niche or industry, podcasters can create content that is highly relevant and valuable to their target audience, leading to increased engagement and loyalty.

For example, the speaker mentions a medical podcast that succeeded by focusing on a specific niche within the healthcare industry. By targeting a specific audience interested in health and wellness, the podcast was able to attract a large number of downloads and secure lucrative advertising deals with relevant companies. This demonstrates the power of niche focus in podcasting and how it can lead to tangible business opportunities.

Furthermore, the speaker highlights the importance of providing value through podcast content. Podcasters can establish themselves as authorities in their field and build trust with their audience by offering valuable insights, expert advice, and engaging discussions within a specific niche. This trust can then lead to opportunities for monetization, such as selling advertising space or offering specialized services to listeners.

In addition, the speaker emphasizes the need for realistic expectations regarding podcasting success. While a few podcasts achieve viral status and massive audiences, the majority of successful podcasts reach the top 1% with just 5,000 downloads per month. This highlights the importance of focusing on a specific niche and building a loyal audience rather than aiming for mass appeal.

Overall, the key takeaway from the podcast transcript is that podcasting success requires niche focus. By understanding your target audience, providing valuable content, and setting realistic goals, podcasters can create a successful business through podcasting. A niche focus allows podcasters to stand out in a crowded market, attract a loyal audience, and create opportunities for monetization and business growth.

Content and distribution are key.

Content and distribution are key components to a podcast’s success. The transcript highlights the importance of creating amazing content that resonates with the audience and keeps them engaged. This includes producing high-quality episodes, creating valuable clips for social media platforms, and experimenting with different formats to see what resonates with the audience.

In addition to content, distribution is crucial in reaching a wider audience and growing a podcast. The transcript emphasizes the importance of utilizing various social media channels, such as Instagram reels, TikTok, and YouTube, to promote podcast episodes and engage with listeners. By testing different pieces of creative and analyzing what goes viral, podcasters can optimize their distribution strategy and attract new listeners.

Furthermore, the transcript discusses the significance of platforms like YouTube in driving podcast growth. Unlike traditional podcast hosting platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify, YouTube offers built-in virality and the potential to reach a larger audience through engaging thumbnails, titles, and hooks. By leveraging YouTube’s platform and creating compelling video content, podcasters can attract new listeners and grow their audience.

Overall, the podcast transcript emphasizes the importance of creating amazing content and strategically distributing it to reach a wider audience. By focusing on niche topics, providing valuable insights, and utilizing various distribution channels, podcasters can build a successful podcasting business and potentially generate revenue through high-ticket digital services. Content and distribution are indeed key elements in the success of a podcast, and by implementing these strategies effectively, podcasters can achieve their goals and build a thriving podcasting business.

Efficient podcast production stack.

The podcast transcript outlines an efficient podcast production stack that podcasters can use to create high-quality content and distribute it across various channels. The stack includes tools like Riverside or Squad Cast for multi-tracking recordings, Descript for AI audio upscaling and editing, Final Cut Pro for adding intros and outros, and Swell AI for content repurposing. Additionally, the transcript mentions using hosting companies like Transistor and YouTube for video podcasts, as well as social media scheduling apps like Assembly for distributing clips on platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

The podcast production stack described in the transcript is designed to streamline the podcast creation process and maximize reach and engagement with the audience. By utilizing these tools and platforms, podcasters can efficiently produce and distribute content, saving time and resources while maintaining a high level of quality. The stack also emphasizes the importance of repurposing content to reach a wider audience and drive engagement across different channels.

In terms of cost, the transcript mentions using tools like Descript, Final Cut Pro, Swell AI, and hosting companies like Transistor, which may incur monthly fees. However, the overall cost will vary depending on the specific tools and services used, as well as the scale and scope of the podcasting business. By investing in the right tools and creating valuable content and strategic distribution, podcasters can build a successful podcasting business and potentially generate revenue through sponsorships, partnerships, and other monetization strategies.

Overall, the efficient podcast production stack outlined in the transcript highlights the importance of creating high-quality content, utilizing technology to streamline production processes, and leveraging distribution channels to reach a wider audience. By following these strategies and continuously refining their approach, podcasters can build a strong brand, attract a loyal audience, and achieve success in the competitive podcasting industry.

Podcasts build trust and positioning.

Podcasts have become increasingly popular content consumption in recent years, with millions of listeners tuning in to their favorite shows regularly. One key reason for podcasts’ success is their ability to build trust and positioning for individuals and companies alike. In the transcript provided, the speaker emphasizes the importance of creating long-form content that educates and engages listeners, ultimately leading to the establishment of trust and credibility.

One of the main ways podcasts build trust is through the intimate nature of the medium. Unlike other forms of content, such as blog posts or social media updates, podcasts allow for a one-to-many conversation between the host and the audience. Listeners have the opportunity to hear the host’s voice, tone, and personality, which can help to humanize the brand and create a deeper connection with the audience. This level of intimacy can lead to increased trust and loyalty among listeners, as they feel like they are getting to know the host on a more personal level.

Furthermore, podcasts provide a platform for in-depth discussions and conversations. Podcast hosts can position themselves as experts in their field by delving into complex issues, sharing personal stories, and providing valuable insights. This positioning can help to establish credibility and authority within the industry, making it more likely that listeners will trust the host’s recommendations and advice.

In addition to building trust and positioning, podcasts offer a unique opportunity for companies to reach a wider audience and build brand awareness. By creating high-quality content that resonates with listeners, companies can attract new customers, strengthen relationships with existing clients, and differentiate themselves from competitors. The speaker in the transcript highlights the cost-effective nature of podcast production, making it accessible for companies of all sizes to leverage this powerful medium to enhance their brand.

In conclusion, podcasts can potentially build trust and positioning for individuals and companies by providing a platform for authentic, engaging, and informative content. By creating high-quality podcasts, leveraging technology to streamline production processes, and utilizing distribution channels to reach a wider audience, podcasters can establish themselves as trusted authorities and succeed in the competitive podcasting industry.

Podcasts are powerful marketing tools.

Podcasts are powerful marketing tools that offer a unique opportunity for individuals and companies to connect with their target audience meaningfully. The transcript of the podcast highlights the various ways in which podcasts can be leveraged for marketing purposes, including creating long-form content that can be repurposed for multiple channels, utilizing tactics such as deep linking on iOS devices and podcast SEO to increase visibility and reach, and incorporating email newsletters to drive engagement and conversions.

One key advantage of podcasts as a marketing tool is the ability to build relationships and trust with listeners through authentic and engaging content. By providing valuable information and insights, podcasters can establish themselves as experts in their field and position themselves as trusted authorities. This can lead to increased brand awareness, customer loyalty, and, ultimately, business growth.

Furthermore, podcasts offer a cost-effective and efficient way to reach a wide audience. With the rise of digital marketing and social media, podcasts can be easily distributed across multiple platforms, allowing maximum exposure and engagement. Podcasters can effectively reach their target audience and drive traffic to their website or products by creating high-quality content and utilizing strategic distribution tactics.

In conclusion, podcasts have the potential to be a powerful marketing tool for individuals and companies looking to establish their brand, build credibility, and connect with their audience. By leveraging the unique benefits of podcasts, such as authenticity, engagement, and reach, marketers can create a strong presence in the competitive digital landscape and achieve their marketing goals. Podcasts are not just a form of entertainment but a valuable tool for building relationships, driving conversions, and, ultimately, growing a successful business.

AI-powered podcasting platform with ROI.

AI-powered podcasting platforms like Swell are revolutionizing how podcasts are created, distributed, and monetized. These platforms use artificial intelligence to streamline the podcasting process, making it easier and more efficient for podcasters to produce high-quality content. With features like automated transcription, social media posting, and audience analytics, AI-powered podcasting platforms help podcasters save time and resources while maximizing their return on investment.

One of the key benefits of using an AI-powered podcasting platform like Swell is the ability to automate time-consuming tasks, such as transcription and social media posting. By leveraging AI technology, podcasters can quickly and easily create transcripts of their episodes, which can then be used to generate social media posts for promotion. This not only saves podcasters valuable time but also ensures that their content reaches a wider audience on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter.

Furthermore, AI-powered podcasting platforms like Swell offer valuable insights into audience behavior and engagement. Podcasters can better understand their audience and tailor their content to meet their needs by analyzing data on listener demographics, engagement levels, and listening habits. This data-driven approach can help podcasters optimize their content strategy, improve listener retention, and ultimately increase their ROI.

In conclusion, AI-powered podcasting platforms like Swell are a game-changer for podcasters looking to maximize their ROI. By leveraging AI technology to automate tasks, analyze data, and optimize content, podcasters can create a more efficient and effective podcasting strategy that drives results. With the right tools and technology, podcasters can unlock their podcasting efforts’ full potential and succeed in the competitive digital landscape.

Automate workflows with AI.

In the podcast transcript, the speaker discusses the importance of automating workflows with AI in content creation, specifically in podcasting. The speaker explains that the goal of using AI in this context is to build automation workflows that can generate content output efficiently. They highlight the difference between using AI for chat purposes and automating content creation processes, emphasizing the time-saving benefits of the latter approach.

The speaker introduces the concept of a “prompt chain” to break down content creation tasks into steps that can be automated using AI. They provide an example of how this prompt chain can generate a detailed blog post outline and content based on a podcast episode. The speaker also discusses the importance of saving these automated processes as templates for future use, allowing for the quick generation of content across various channels.

Additionally, the speaker mentions using AI to automatically generate clips and optimize video content for different platforms, such as TikTok and Instagram reels. They stress the importance of auditing current processes to identify areas where AI tools can be integrated to streamline operations and improve efficiency. The speaker also shares an example of a consulting business specializing in automating workflows using AI tools, highlighting the potential for businesses to increase profitability and productivity through automation.

In conclusion, the speaker emphasizes the effectiveness of using AI to automate workflows in content creation, particularly in the podcasting industry. They suggest that leveraging AI technology can help podcasters maximize their ROI, optimize their content strategy, and achieve success in a competitive digital landscape. By adopting AI-powered tools like Swell, podcasters can streamline their processes, analyze data more efficiently, and create high-quality content that resonates with their audience.

Swell combines multiple tools seamlessly.

Swell is a revolutionary platform that combines multiple tools seamlessly to help podcasters create, promote, and distribute their content more efficiently. The speaker in the podcast highlights the overwhelming task of manually promoting hours of podcast content and how Swell simplifies this process by integrating various AI tools into one workflow automation system.

The speaker mentions their experience of having recorded over 40 hours of podcast content with 31 guests, which would require a significant amount of time and effort to promote individually. By using Swell, podcasters can save time and resources by automating tasks that would typically require multiple tools and platforms.

Swell’s integration of tools like Rev, Opus, and Munch into one platform eliminates the need for podcasters to use separate automation tools like Zapier. This streamlines the workflow and allows podcasters to focus on creating high-quality content rather than getting bogged down by tedious promotional tasks.

The speaker’s enthusiasm for Swell stems from the platform’s ability to simplify the content creation process and make it more manageable for podcasters. By leveraging AI technology, Swell enables podcasters to analyze data, optimize their content strategy, and ultimately achieve success in a competitive digital landscape.

In conclusion, Swell’s seamless integration of multiple tools demonstrates the power of AI in streamlining workflows and enhancing content creation in the podcasting industry. By utilizing Swell, podcasters can maximize their ROI, reach a wider audience, and ultimately elevate the quality of their podcasts.

AI-powered content marketing evolution.

The podcast transcript provides valuable insights into the evolution of AI-powered content marketing in the podcasting industry. The discussion revolves around Swell, a platform that aims to streamline workflows and enhance podcast content creation. The podcast highlights the various features and capabilities of Swell, such as social media scheduling, newsletter management, and content repurposing powered by AI.

One of the key points raised in the podcast is using AI to analyze data and optimize content for social media. By leveraging AI algorithms, Swell can identify trends in social media performance and tailor content to better engage with the target audience. This approach not only saves time for podcasters but also ensures that their content is more effective in reaching a wider audience.

Furthermore, the podcast discusses the potential for AI to revolutionize content marketing in the future. The host envisions a scenario where companies can plug into AI-powered software to receive personalized recommendations on content creation and distribution. This level of automation and data-driven decision-making could significantly impact how companies market themselves and drive growth.

Overall, the podcast paints a picture of a future where AI plays a central role in content marketing strategies. By harnessing the power of AI, podcasters and companies can optimize their content, reach a larger audience, and ultimately drive business growth. The evolution of AI-powered content marketing is a testament to the transformative potential of technology in the digital age.

Swell simplifies content distribution.

Swell AI, a platform that simplifies content distribution, is at the forefront of this revolution. The podcast highlights how Swell has taken content distribution to the next level. With features like content clips and writing services, Swell offers a comprehensive solution for podcasters and businesses looking to maximize their reach and engagement.

One of the key challenges in content distribution is the heavy lifting involved in promoting and distributing content across multiple platforms. This is where Swell shines, leveraging AI technology to streamline the process and make it more efficient. By automating tasks such as creating content clips and writing, Swell allows users to focus on creating high-quality content while the platform takes care of the rest.

The podcast guest emphasizes the importance of properly promoting content to reach a wider audience and extract the valuable insights guests share. With Swell, podcasters can easily distribute their content on popular platforms like Apple and Spotify, increasing their visibility and engagement. This not only benefits podcasters but also helps businesses leverage content marketing to drive growth and connect with their target audience.

In conclusion, Swell simplifies content distribution by harnessing the power of AI to automate and optimize the process. By providing a comprehensive solution for podcasters and businesses, Swell enables users to focus on creating compelling content while the platform takes care of the distribution and promotion. As technology continues to evolve, platforms like Swell are leading the way in revolutionizing content marketing strategies and driving business success in the digital age.

AI content creation for SEO.

AI content creation for SEO is a rapidly growing field revolutionizing how businesses approach content marketing. In a recent podcast, the founders of Swell discussed their journey in developing Drafthorse AI, an AI-powered tool for programmatic SEO. The tool uses artificial intelligence to generate thousands of blog posts or landing pages based on target keywords, creating a scalable and efficient way to improve search engine rankings.

Programmatic SEO uses AI to generate content based on specific keywords and topics. This content is then optimized for search engines to improve visibility and drive organic traffic to a website. Drafthorse automates the process of creating this content, allowing businesses to quickly generate a large volume of articles that are relevant to their audience.

One key advantage of AI content creation for SEO is the ability to scale content production at a fraction of the cost. In the past, producing a large volume of high-quality content would have been prohibitively expensive. However, with tools like Drafthorse, businesses can generate thousands of articles in minutes, significantly reducing the cost and time involved in content creation.

Another benefit of AI content creation for SEO is the ability to optimize content based on what is already ranking well on search engines. By analyzing the top-performing content for specific keywords, businesses can instruct AI to generate content that is more likely to rank highly in search results. This approach can significantly improve the effectiveness of SEO strategies and drive more organic traffic to a website.

As AI content creation tools become more sophisticated, businesses must focus on developing their internal knowledge and expertise to differentiate their content. By providing AI with source material from experts in a particular field, businesses can ensure that the content generated is of higher quality and more valuable to their audience. This approach will be essential for businesses looking to stand out in a crowded digital landscape and drive meaningful engagement with their target audience.

In conclusion, AI content creation for SEO is a powerful tool that is transforming the way businesses approach content marketing. By leveraging AI technology to automate and optimize content creation, businesses can improve search engine rankings, drive organic traffic, and engage with their audience more meaningfully. Platforms like Swell and tools like Drafthorse are leading the way in this space, providing businesses with the tools they need to succeed in the digital age.

Bulk content writing for websites.

Bulk content writing for websites has gained popularity in recent years thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology. This approach involves creating a large volume of content quickly and efficiently to fill a website with relevant information and keywords. The goal is to attract more traffic, improve search engine rankings, and drive more conversions.

One of the key players in the bulk content writing space is Drafthorse, a platform that allows users to generate a high volume of content in a short amount of time. By leveraging AI technology, Drafthorse can create thousands of articles on a specific topic or keyword, helping website owners fill out their sites with valuable content. This not only improves the overall user experience but also helps with SEO efforts by targeting relevant keywords and topics.

One of the main benefits of bulk content writing is its ability to scale content production quickly and efficiently. For niche website owners or bloggers looking to expand their online presence, Drafthorse offers a way to generate a large amount of content in a short period. This can help drive more traffic to their site, increase engagement, and ultimately boost revenue through affiliate marketing or other monetization strategies.

Additionally, bulk content writing can be a cost-effective way to produce content at scale without sacrificing quality. By using AI technology to automate the writing process, businesses can save time and resources while delivering high-quality content to their audience. This can be especially valuable for businesses looking to establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry or attract a larger audience online.

Overall, bulk content writing for websites is a valuable strategy for businesses looking to improve their online presence, drive more traffic, and meaningfully engage with their audience. By leveraging AI technology and platforms like Drafthorse, businesses can streamline their content creation process, improve their SEO efforts, and ultimately achieve their marketing goals in the digital age.

Unplug and focus on living.

In a recent podcast interview with the founder of an AI-first company, the importance of unplugging and focusing on living was highlighted as a key factor in maintaining a healthy balance in today’s digital world. The founder expressed his anti-internet sentiment, emphasizing the need to be offline as much as possible and to avoid the fake and commercialized aspects of social media.

The founder’s perspective on the internet as a tool rather than a constant presence in our lives is a refreshing reminder of the importance of disconnecting from the digital world and reconnecting with the physical world. By intentionally limiting our exposure to social media and online distractions, we can prioritize real-life experiences, relationships, and personal growth.

The founder’s advice to “go touch grass more” is a metaphor for stepping away from screens and devices to engage with nature, physical activity, and mindfulness. This simple act of unplugging and immersing ourselves in the present moment can profoundly affect our mental and emotional well-being.

In a society increasingly reliant on technology for communication, entertainment, and information, it is easy to become consumed by the digital world and lose sight of the beauty and richness of the world outside our screens. By consciously choosing to unplug and focus on living, we can cultivate a greater sense of presence, connection, and fulfillment.

Ultimately, the message to unplug and focus on living is a powerful reminder to prioritize our well-being and relationships over the constant noise and distractions of the online world. By taking intentional breaks from technology, we can recenter ourselves, recharge our minds, and rediscover the simple joys of being fully present in the moment.

As we navigate the complexities of the digital age, it is essential to remember the value of unplugging and focusing on living. By embracing a more mindful and balanced approach to our relationship with technology, we can cultivate a deeper connection to ourselves, others, and the world around us. Let us heed the founder’s advice and make a conscious effort to touch grass more, unplug, and truly live in the present moment.